Ideas and concepts

Compile photos of the style and products that appeal to you

What are your specific requirements to meet your family’s needs

What type of Kitchen/ Bathroom/ Flooring do you like. The more

information of what you like, the easier the design stage will be.

Information required for a comprehensive quotation

Architectural construction plans. By a drafts-man or Architect

Site survey

Engineers plans

Detailed specification

Hydraulic Engineers plans / storm-water requirements

Bush fire report if the property is on bush fire prone land.

Need help in the planning stage.

We are able to assist you with the preliminary planning stage, by working

with our design and engineering associates. We are able to assist in

producing working plans, and all of the associated documents required

for a council application or Complying development certificate. Even the

actual application submission to council on your behalf. That way

we take care of any questions that council may have.